Loncat ke isi

Modul:Name in various languages

Deri Wikipedia

Dokumentasi untuk modul ini dapat dibuat di Modul:Name in various languages/doc

local lang_mod = require ('Module:Lang');
local get_args = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;
local yesno    = require ('Module:Yesno');

local p = {};
local SEPARATOR = '|- style="border-bottom:1px solid #aaa"\n';
local STYLE = "border-bottom:1px solid #aaa";

-- Ensure that list of names is sorted by name of language.
local function sorted_pairs(t, f)
    local keys = {}
    for key in pairs(t) do table.insert(keys, key) end
    table.sort(keys, f)
    local i = 0
    local iter = function ()
    	i = i + 1; if keys[i] == nil then return nil else return keys[i], t[keys[i]] end end
    return iter

local function make_language_row(frame, lang_code, lang_text)
    local lang_link_wikilink = lang_mod.name_from_tag({lang_code, ['link'] = 'yes'})
    return "! style=\"padding-left:0.5em\" | "..lang_link_wikilink..
           "\n| "..frame:expandTemplate{title='lang',args={lang_code, lang_text}};

function p.main(frame)
	local args = get_args(frame)
    local output  = '';

    local header = {};
    table.insert(header, '{| class="mw-collapsible ');
    local collapse = args.collapse or true
    if yesno (collapse) then table.insert (header, 'mw-collapsed') end
    table.insert (header, '"');
    table.insert (header, 'style="');
    table.insert (header, table.concat({'width: ',     args.width      or '100%', ';'}));
    table.insert (header, table.concat({'font-size: ', args.font_size  or '88%', ';'}));
    table.insert (header, 'text-align:left; border-collapse:collapse;"' ..'\n');
    table.insert (header, '! colspan=2 style="text-align:center; border-top: 0px;" | ');
    table.insert (header, args.name or '');
    table.insert (header, '\n' .. SEPARATOR);

	output = output .. table.concat(header)

    for k,v in sorted_pairs(args) do
    	if lang_mod._is_ietf_tag(k) then
        	output = output .. make_language_row(frame,k,v) .. '\n' .. SEPARATOR;

    output = output .. '|}';
    return output;

return p